You may need to prefix the command with ‘ sudo ‘ if you are a non-root user. The ‘less’ command accepts the log filename as a parameter and then you can scroll through it using the ‘ page down ‘ key. Join us if you’re a developer, software engineer, web designer, front-end designer, UX designer, computer scientist, architect, tester, product manager, project manager or team lead. less: If you need to view the contents of a log file at the command line in RedHat, you can use the ‘ less ‘ command. The problem solvers who create careers with code. LinkedIn YouTube Twitter Facebook Products Easily learn new technologies and coding concepts and quickly find the answers you need. With Red Hat Developer cheat sheets, you get essential information right at your fingertips so you can work faster and smarter. Working with networks on and from a Linux computer:.Accessing command-line help documentation:.Creating and exporting environment variables:.Console and output management, working with data sent to stdout or displayed in a terminal window:.With the Linux Commands Cheat Sheet, you’ll learn basic commands for: You’ll find easy-to-learn shortcuts and code examples to help you find your way around the Linux command line. As with many Unix commands, there are different implementations of the same concept, including one written in Go and one, which I help maintain, written in just 100 lines of Bash. This cheat sheet helps you get familiar with over 30 basic Linux command-line executables frequently used by developers. The cheat command is a utility to search for and display a list of example tasks you might do with a Linux command. To unexpected things might happen if you don't have the quotes.The Linux operating system offers a multitude of commands, which can be overwhelming for beginners. That's because, without the quotes, the shell will expand the wildcard before handing the parameters to find.

In the find /dir -name name* should be in double quotes if you want it to recursively find all files starting with name: Find will do a recursive search by default.