Basic models are supplied, which you may load straight into your masterpiece, like a man, woman, dog, cat, and fish.You’ll get complete color customization across the board and individual settings for things like line weight and transparency for each of these tools. Additional tools include a crayon, a calligraphy pen, and the old favorite, the fill tool. Plenty of Artistic Weapons: You’ll feel at home using the oil brush, pencil, eraser, pen, watercolor brush, spray can, and pencil.Consider the following features and abilities listed below: Paint 3D takes cues from the original Paint software while adding some unique capabilities, with the most standout feature being the 3D model option.

Paint 3D Tools include the usual suspects from the OG Paint, like shapes, text, brushes, and various effects, with a few new additions to enhance the experience. You’ll find tools for creating the most straightforward 2D renderings but have options for creating intricate 3D designs.