Last Stand: He puts Hammerhold in defense mode after hearing of Vez'nan's victory, vowing to make sure that Linirea's last bastion will not fall.Hit Points: He has the highest HP in the game when he reaches level 10, at 720.Heroic BSoD: After hearing the news of Vez'nan's successful conquest of Linirea, he takes a while to think as to what to do next.Guest-Star Party Member: In Origins, he only appears in the Blood Quarry level.In Origins, we learned that it literally dropped from the sky after you freed him. The Big Guy: His stature is the biggest among the free heroes.Badass in Distress: In Origins, we see him as a slave in a Bloodsydian mine.Area of Effect: Hammer Smash and Earthquake both do AOE damage to enemies.An Adventurer Is You: Malik is a tank hero.Shout-Out: Named after elven archer Alleria Windrunner from Warcraft.Semi-Divine: She's a direct descendant of the Goddess Elynie, the one who created the Elven race.Two missions in Origins are dedicated to getting her out of the capitol and to safety, but not without her shooting some of those gnoll invaders first. Royals Who Actually Do Something: Turns out Alleria Swiftwind, a hero in the original Kingdom Rush, is the only surviving member of Aredhel's royal family.The more you level her up, the more arrows she'll shoot. Multishot: Her ability which is aptly named.well, Multishot.Loyal Animal Companion: Her wildcat, which appears to have been in her side since Origins.Hit-and-Run Tactics: Alleria is pretty squishy.Hero Antagonist: She appears as an enemy in Vengeance where you control Vez'nan's army.

She indirectly fights in the Gryphon Point level but isn't controllable.